Site Investigations

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Site Investigations and Risk Assessments

Site Investigations

AM Environmental Limited employs experienced environmental scientists and suitably qualified engineers who implement comprehensive site investigations for specific pollution spill incidents.

Any comprehensive site investigation will quickly delineate both the vertical and horizontal extent of the contaminant, whilst also identifying the specific risks and future potential impact to receptors such as human health, buildings, controlled waters, third party property and the environment.

Site investigations undertaken by AM Environmental are undertaken in accordance with BS10175 – Investigation of potentially contaminated sites. We provide a full range of site investigation techniques including;

  • Window sampling
  • Trial pitting
  • Concrete coring
  • Auger sampling
  • Soil, water, air sampling and analysis
  • VOC surveys
  • Monitoring installations
  • Track mounted windowless sampling
  • Rotary drilling

Risk Assessments

Once a comprehensive site investigation has been undertaken with the contaminant identified, a conceptual site specific model will be established. In the context of land contamination there are three essential elements to any risk; a source, a receptor and a pathway. Each of these elements can exists individually but they only create a risk, when they are linked together, so that a particular contaminant affects a particular receptor through a particular pathway. This kind of linked combination of source/receptor/pathway is described as a pollutant linkage.

Once the conceptual site model is established, an appraisal with the most practical and cost efficient remediation strategy will be complied and recommended for remediation. AM Environmental have their own site specific remediation target criteria established which will make sure the remediation works undertaken will mitigate the risks to the identified receptors. If there is a spill incident with no pollution linkage we have the experience and confidence to validate a site on investigation findings.

For more details about site investigations or risk assessments get in touch with us here today on 353 (0) 61 502095, or submit your enquiry for an immediate response.